人工智能时代的学习和工作该如何规划,胖胖老师推荐大家阅读吴恩达的《How to build your career in AI》一书,吴恩达是DeepLearning.AI,Landing AI创始人兼首席执行官,AI Fund管理普通合伙人,Coursera董事长兼联合创始人,斯坦福大学兼职教授。 作为机器学习和在线教育领域的先驱,吴博士通过他在人工智能领域的工作改变了无...
吴恩达新书《How to build a career in AI》书摘 Three key steps of career growth arelearning foundational skills, working on projects and finding a job. As you go through each step, you should also build a supportive community. Having friends and allies who can help you - and who you strive...
吴恩达老师 "How to Build a Career in AI" 最近无意中读了吴恩达老师的一本小册子,很受启发。把其中一部分做了翻译。供大家参考。 我是通过吴老师Coursera的课程开始接触AI的。非常感谢吴老师在社区中的共享。 《如何在AI领域打造自己的职业》-- Jack编译。 Scoping successful AI project -- 寻找成功的AI项目 ...
人工智能时代的学习和工作该如何规划,胖胖老师推荐大家阅读吴恩达的《How to build your career in AI》一书,吴恩达是DeepLearning.AI,Landing AI创始人兼首席执行官,AI Fund管理普通合伙人,Coursera董事长兼联合创始人,斯坦福大学兼职教授。 作为机器学习和在线教育领域的先驱,吴博士通过他在人工智能领域的工作改变了无...
人工智能时代的学习和工作该如何规划,胖胖老师推荐大家阅读吴恩达的《How to build your career in AI》一书,吴恩达是DeepLearning.AI,Landing AI创始人兼首席执行官,AI Fund管理普通合伙人,Coursera董事长兼联合创始人,斯坦福大学兼职教授。 作为机器学习和在线教育领域的先驱,吴博士通过他在人工智能领域的工作改变了无...
Learners interested in a career in Artificial Intelligence should explore various opportunities offered in this field. A successful career in AI can be realized in a variety of settings, including public organizations, private establishments, arts, healthcare, agriculture, government agencies, research, ...
I value my freedom of choice above all else and always believe in never allowing ourselves to be boxed in by a limited set of skills that are only suited for one particular career path. Embracing a growth mindset to find your next lane The fear that AI will replace the human workforce ...
Updated 6mo ago 2 comments· How-to-Build-a-Career-in-AI.pdf arrow_drop_up20 Bronze more_horiz Documents Splitting with LangChainUpdated 6mo ago 2 comments· How-to-Build-a-Career-in-AI.pdf +1 arrow_drop_up14 Bronze more_horiz Documents Loading with LangChainUpdated 6mo ago 2 ...
如何构建你的AI职业 | #随拍打卡 AI热潮如火如荼,许多大咖纷纷预言人工智能是人类百年一遇的大革命,将彻底改变人类生活的方方面面。很多人高估了2年内技术对人类社会的变化,而严重低估了10年外技术对人类社会的改变。不是我说的,比尔盖茨说的,对,就是那个曾经的世界首富。为了不被时代所淘汰,我们唯一的选择就...
Everyone has questions, but the most common questions in AI always return to this: how do I get involved? Cutting through the hype to share fundamental principles for building a career in AI, a group of AI professionals gathered at NVIDIA’s GTC conference in the spring offered what may be...