From her backstory, to her personality, to her insane damage and crit rate - I can’t express enough how much I love her. I do realize that not a lot of people enjoy playing her, but I hope that with this build, I might even convert you into being a Xinyan fan. She’s a ...
For Xinyan, it’s music, specifically rock n’ roll. Sucrose may be interested in bio-alchemy, but that’s a wide field. She’s free to wander and take up which branch of bio-alchemy to pursue. Personality may also play a part, as Sucrose is shyer than Pyro users. That’s all ...
there are a couple Constellations that stand out.Venti's C1 will be largely worthlessunless you're rocking a main-DPS Venti loadout, buthis C3, C4, and C6 especially go a long way towards increasing his Burst's potency. C2 gives his Skill more value, but the Physical RES decrease it ...