Related: Minecraft: How To Make An XP Farm With A Spider Spawner Normally, snow can be found in cold biomes, such as taigas and mountain ranges. Rather than traveling to a place where snow generates, bring the snow generation to you! With the help of a snow golem, you can have all...
Planting potatoes is slightly differentfrom other Minecraft foods becauseyou don't need seedsto start a potato farm. You canplant the potato directly into the groundinstead of using separate items, such as seeds. First,you need to till a Dirt or Grass block with a Hoe; then, you canplace...
A small tree farm, to provide wood and charcoal A charcoal smelter. A backup nether portal, as an emergency exit. Rooms for more people. If you are near one, a skeleton spawner farm. With this providing bonemeal and XP, you can make all your other farms more compact. Melon, pumpkin,...
Build a wall. You can use fences or walls to protect your farmland from being trampled by you or other mobs. You can add fence gates to enter your farm. Alternatively, you can add carpets on tops of the fences/walls, which will allow only you to get in, and not other mobs. 4 Pl...
So, it's always worth using to gain that extra bit of XP even if you've just found some enchanted items that you have no intention of using in the future. There are several ways to farm experience and level up, this is just one of them. Unfortunately, the grindstone cannot remove ...