To start this, first, you need to create a project that is the same as your GitHub username. Example: My user name is abhir9, and I need to create a repo with the same name abhir9 with a file. This will act as the profile page:
Github的可配置个人主页的READEME这个特性和一般的个人主页相比可以容纳更多的内容,支持markdown意味着你可以做出更多直观富有表现力的内容(有人说GIF!?),README放置在固定仓库的上方,并且可以根据需要占据尽可能多的空间,因此它的曝光率明显更高。 一个可靠的README文件是文档完善软件的核心部件,通常通过与贡献者共享...
新建一个同GitHub用户名同名(包括大小写)的仓库: 在新仓库中新建一个包含一些内容(文本,动图,图片,表情符号等等)的README.md文件 提交你喜欢的README 如果你在Github的web界面上直接选择提交到仓库主分支(即master或者main),这将使其立即在你的个人主页上生效。 提交修改到Github(即如果你...
If you visit my profile on GitHub, you’ll notice that it contains images, social network links, some GitHub statistics and links to my blogs, which makes the GitHub profile stand out. This is possible through the GitHub profile README feature. In this article, we’ll learn how to create...
I made my github few years ago, and still not searchable on google… Both my profile and public master branch repositories… How to make my github profile searchable on search engine? Thanks in adnvance! 8 Answered by jdevfullstack Apr 2, 2022 yup that link is correct, I experienced ...
Build zlib: git clone -b -v1.3.1 mkdir buildcdbuild cmake -A x64 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%cd%/install .. cmake --build.--config Release -j 2 cmake --build.--config Release --target install ...
To make a template:On, go to the main page of the repository. Under the repository name, select Settings. If you can't see the Settings tab, open the dropdown menu, and then select Settings. Select Template repository.
reprepro -b . includedeb focal ~/mydebrepo/packages/fastfetch-linux-amd64.deb Step 5: Publish Your Repository on Sourceforge To upload themydebreporepository, you need to have a running account there of course, and a running project, let’s assume that you want to uplo...
Here's how to add Projects to teams:In the top right corner of, select your profile photo and choose Your organizations. Select the name of your organization. Navigate to the Teams tab and select the name of the team to which you want to grant access. Select Projects an...
1. Log in and browse to the GitHub home page. 2. Find and click theNew repositoryoption under the+sign next to your profile picture in the top right corner. 3. Enter a name for your repository, provide a brief description, and choose a privacy setting. ...