Clients need to feel comfortable that you expect quality work from your team and technology and have metrics, modern tools, and controls in place to make it happen. Be proactive in answering potential questions about peak load scheduling, special services, and billing questions. In this context...
To process SOAP headers within a Web service client Example See Also This topic is specific to a legacy technology. XML Web services and XML Web service clients should now be created usingWindows Communication Foundation. Code Example A Web services client can send and receive SOAP headers when ...
The launch of Silverlight 3 is coming soon and provides a great way for you to create applications that run outside the browser. With Silverlight 3 they can be run in a browser or it they can be detached from the browser and run from the desktop.John...
It’s enabled our employees to see a complete picture of their clients and make informed decisions. That’s good for both parties.” Samantha Charman, Head of Applications and Development, DWF Microsoft Power Platform enables your firm to analyse data, build agile solut...
How to: Build a Service for Silverlight Clients How to: Access a Service from Silverlight Configuring Web Service Usage in Silverlight Clients Accessing SOAP Services Accessing ASP.NET AJAX Services Debugging Services for Silverlight Applications
The question now is, how do you build a trust-based relationship with your client that allows you to be free to bring an outside perspective and do more valuable work? How to build a trust-based relationship with your clients Immediately pointing out issues is probably not the best fi...
The API The version number How to build MySQL clients And in the end, we summed it all up in this final example. I hope you’ve learned something! If you have any questions or comments, please use the comment field below.Search Categories Backup (3) Character ...
So, how do you make that happen? In this article, we will look at six ways to build useful relationships with potential clients. 1. Know your value To get someone who has never heard of you to be willing to get on the phone, you need to know the value that you bring to the table...
The why: Why build a system to screen out clients? What do you gain? What do you lose? The how: What does a system like this look like in practice? The what: How do you get started implementing a system like this for your businesstoday? What steps do you need to ...
How to Install Clients on Linux and UNIX Computers in Configuration Manager How to Install Clients on Windows Mobile and Nokia Symbian Devices Using Configuration Manager How to Configure Client Status in Configuration Manager Operations and Maintenance for Client Deployment in Configuration Manager ...