aAsk the kids whether they know how the bee hive works. Tell them there are bee queen, bee workers and baby bees in it. The bee queen gives birth to baby bees. The bee workers take care of the baby bees, clean their houses and make honey. Then let they kids work as been queen,...
After returning to the hive, the worker bee transfers the nectar from her tongue to another worker's tongue to further break down the nectar. Bees add enzymes to the nectar which help break down the complex sugars into simple sugars.
If you have curious dogs, poultry or goats, fencing in your hive may be a suitable option. It doesn’t hurt to employfencingto keep your bees and pets safe, to begin with. A barrier to preventcurious crittersfrom entering the “danger zone” will go a long way to keep your pets safe...
HowStuffWorks has been explaining how things work to curious minds since 1998. Providing factual, unbiased content that's fun to read and makes difficult topics easy to understand.
get closer to the bees, and then go around to pick up the Bee Hive. Run as fast as you can toward the ship and when you run out of stamina, drop the bee hive to de-aggro the bees. Now, repeat the same step to get to the bee hive and keep repeating it until you have reached...
There is a lot of people who fail in the bodybuilding arena because they only focus on their strengths. This is wrong. While it is good to improve your strengths, you should not neglect your weaknesses either. In short, you have to deal and work on your weak spots. ...
series of boxes stacked upon each other. The boxes come in 3 different sizes – shallow, medium, and deep. Each box has either 8 or 10 removable frames. A good thing about langstroth hives is that they are customizable. You can add boxes to the top of your hive as your colony grows....
Plywood Honey Bee Swarm Bait Catch Hive and Nucleus Box - Dual Purpose How to DIY Plans: Catching swarms of honey bees has to be one of the most exciting and fascinating events of the year. I say 'event' as it tends to happen mostly in the month of May i
aHow do the bees know where to find the best food in the sweetest flowers? One bee acts as a guide. When it discovers good flowers, it flies back to the hive and tells the others. It does this by dancing for them.[translate]
There are so many fantastic benefits of making your outdoor living space more bee-friendly. Check out these ideas to start your own backyard beekeeping!