5 Steps to Treat a Map Turtle’s Shell Rot First of all, you have to determine the cause of the shell rot. If it is low-quality water, then try providing clean water. If there is no basking dock in the enclosure, build one for the map turtle. ...
and sometimes he bites.He is a outdoor cage bunny,and he also hates the cages.He wants to be free,and i also want him to be free too.I need advice from a rabbit pro.Itll be really helpful if you helped me out with this
so they need as much space as you can provide. An outdoor enclosure for one to three capybaras should be at least 12 feet by 20 feet, although the larger you make it, the better. Select an area that has both sunny spots, where...
Don’t leave your turtle in an outdoor enclosure if you live somewhere with temperatures below 60 °F (16 °C) during the cooler months. Eastern box turtles love to burrow! To stop them from escaping, dig a trench around the perimeter and fill it with a single layer of bricks. Then,...