An AR pistol is an AR-style rifle with a barrel under 16 inches in length and no buttstock. It’s better suited for home defense and can be shot in most indoor ranges, as well as 9mm shooting competitions. A PCC is not ideal for hunting and long-range shooting. AR-15 Caliber Option...
QUICK LINKS TRAINING CLASSES INDOOR SHOOTING RANGE DOVE HUNTING GUN REPAIR SHOP ONLINE FIREARMS USED GUNS COLLECTIBLE GUNS ACCESSORIES HOW ARE WE DOING? Tell us how we can improve to serve your shooting sports needs. Let us know SPECIAL REQUESTS? Searching for something unusual? Can't find wh...
When shooting in an indoor space like an office or home, be sure to declutter the space that will be seen on camera thoroughly. Anything that takes away from the message of your video should be removed. The goal is to create a clean canvas that will help to keep your audience focused...
A simple yet effective way to drastically improve audio quality is to invest in an external microphone. Even a mid-range microphone or a dual-mic setup will deliver much better results than relying on your webcam’s built-in mic. With a wide variety of microphones available on the market, ...
And if you’re in a situation where youneeda fast shutter speed (e.g., you’re shooting an indoor sport), it’s better to boost the ISO than to underexpose all your photos. But whenever possible, set your ISO to its base value.That’show you’ll get the sharpest photos. ...
In fact, there are plenty of serious macro photographers, myself included, who rarely use this type of equipment. But some (or all) of these additional productsarenecessary if you want to capture certain types of macro photos, like indoor product shots or photos with an extremely deep depth...
As a good practice, place everything in a bag before bringing it indoors. Ensure the bag is closed to retain the cold, dry air inside. This prevents condensation on your electronics from indoor warm, moist air. Once everything warms up to room temperature, you can remove them from the ...
First Up – Understand The Location You Need For Star Trail Photography And Keep An Eye On The Weather To photograph star trails, your goal is to allow your camera to pick up light that it wouldn’t normally (i.e. from the stars) by using extralong exposures. ...
“from the holster class” and this was one of the requirement to pass the tests. This class allows me to shoot from the holster at the indoor gun range. It allows me to practice drawing from Appendix Carry. Now, I feel very comfortable drawing from appendix with live rounds. ...
from landscape scenes to portraits. While the dark and moody style may require some extra time to learn both the shooting and editing sides of the equation, the results are worth the effort. You’ll get photographs that have an enduring quality that can make them stand out in a sea of or...