How to build a net-zero energy house: a Colorado-based architect walks through the strategies he used that are key to building an energy-efficient home in any climateMichael KracauerEnvironmental Design & Construction
Making your home energy efficient is an important part ofreducing your carbon footprintand helping the world. Many people make changes in their daily life frombuying reusable coffee cupsto walking to work but not many people are aware of how they can adapt their home. In this article, we ar...
A home is only as good as the people building it, especially when you’re trying to make an energy-efficient home. These are the eight questions you should ask builders when building a green home to ensure that you hire the right person for the job. Why do you build green houses? What...
Recessed ceiling canister lights pose special problems for a homeowner bent on making a home more energy-efficient. The older types are extremely leaky and are difficult to make airtight. Because of regulations concerning fire safety, the best you can do is to build an airtight box of flame-re...
solar system, as well as switching all your home’s regular incandescent light bulbs to energy-saving LED bulbs, which can save up to 90% of energy consumption and last up to 50,000 hours, which is about 11.4 years of regular use, this will help make your solar system more efficient. ...
We make it easy to be green. Our four steps of learning how to be green include home energy efficiency, efficient heating and cooling, renewable energy sources, electric cars and hybrid cars.
“The first thing to do,” he says, “is to build really airtight walls and really insulated walls. Once you do that, put in really efficient equipment, such as water heaters and lights.” Healy, an engineer who is an expert in energy efficient housing, manages theNet-Zero Energy Residen...
One of the first things buyers notice when they're looking for an energy-efficient home is windows. Lots of air escapes through windows and when they aren't at least double-pane, it's hard to make the claim that they're doing anything to keep your heating and cooling costs in line. ...
Build Your Dreams (How To Make a Living Doing What -You Love) 热度: How to make your students enjoy your class 热度: 相关推荐 Readourotherpublications: ADetailedGuidetoInsulatingYourHome ADetailedGuidetoHomeHeatingSystems YourGuidetoRenovatingYourHome YourGuidetoBuildinganEnergyEfficientHome YourGui...
Reviews The Orbi Koala Calm Buddy Review: A Brilliant Choice for Happy, Relaxed Kids ByKeithJanuary 17, 20250 Parents often face challenges in ensuring their children feel calm, secure, and ready for bed.… Read More