When you want to put wallpaper on an accent wall, there are a lot of steps to do it properly. If you have never put up wallpaper before, a space area like an accent wall is something that you certainly can do. There are various types of wallpaper available, and there is a peel-...
This article will show you how to get rid of a plain, boring, white wall and add some vibrant colors to your room. Creating an accent wall is like putting an exclamation point at the end of a sentence. An accent wall also creates a focal...
How to create an easy DIY geometric accent wall. The tutorial is very easy to follow and I love the pop of color!
Your bedroom is your personal sanctuary, so why not make it stand out with an accent wall? This budget-friendly how-to for painting an accent wall in your bedroom is the easiest way to add a touch of personality and style to your space without all the fuss and expense of wallpaper. ...
And use the burgundy as the accent color. It sounds like kind of an odd combination, but since it looks so good on the bedding, I knew it would work in the room. 2 | Update (or create) an accent wall The first thing to change was the wallpaper accent wall behind the bed. ...
Wallpaper has come a long way! The simple addition of wallpaper in a fun pattern or unexpected motif can liven up any space in an instant! We have wallpapering tips from our service providers to help you get started!
What is an Accent Wall or Featured Wall? An accent wall, also known as a featured wall, is a wall in a room that stands out from the other walls due to its colour, texture, or pattern. It can be used to draw attention to an area of the room and add visual interest to the overa...
remove its many nails. I am not going to kid you—this part was crazy time consuming. We filled an 11 x 8 foot wall and required approximately seventeen (17) pallets to make it happen. You must remember to account for waste because some slats will inevitably get damaged in the process....
Wall-mount musical instruments. If music is your jam, or even if you play an instrument or two, you might consider mounting the instrument(s) to a tucked-away corner wall in the master bedroom. This serves two purposes – it is both decorative, and it keeps the instruments safe from cur...
The same could be applied to walls, if you are leaning towards adding more space or freeing up the circulation, remove any non-loadbearing wherever possible. Be certain of what type of wall you're removing by using the help of an expert to avoid a structural disaster. ...