Caves in Afghanistan burrow into mountainsides, and immense concrete bunkers lie buried deep in the sand in Iraq. These hardened facilities house command centers, ammunition depots and research labs that are either of strategic importance or vital to waging war. Because they are underground, they ...
FAQ: Building above ground Thu, 06/19/2014 - 12:47byadmin I often get asked how to build the shelter if there's no convenient hill-side to burrow into. Well, there are three common approaches that are used that still make use of a layer of dirt to provide storm protection. Here are...
The best woodchuck deterrent is a fence. Excluding woodchucks from the garden will also keep outdeer, rabbits, raccoons, and stray pets. Since groundhogs climb and also burrow, you’ll need to build a secure enclosure using six-foot-wide woven-wire fencing. Above ground, the fence should be...
The hibernating hornets vibrate their wings periodically, giving off body heat that keeps the nest just warm enough for the queen to survive and start another nest in the spring. The Nuts and Bolts of Hibernation The cape sand frog uses its hind legs to burrow into the sand, where it ...
2. Burrow. Luxury couch manufacturer Burrow has a simple About Us page that takes potential customers on an organized journey as they scroll down the page. Photo animations bring each section to life, but there’s plenty of white space to keep the moving pictures from becoming overwhelming –...
It can be so disappointing when your squash is thriving and suddenly starts to wilt. This may be the result of asquash vine borer(SVB), which is a type of moth that lays its eggs at the base of squash plants. When the eggs hatch, the larvae burrow (or “bore”) into the lower st...
Signs include gnaw marks on tree bark, above-ground tunnel systems or “runways” across your lawn, and burrow openings in the dirt. As other ground-dwelling animals can cause similar damage, be sure you have a vole problem. Once you’ve done that, you can get to work ridding them ...
Summary of 5 steps to get rid of armadillos in your yard Step 1 - Purchase a large and sturdy cage trap, raccoon size, at least 32x10x12 inches. Step 2 - If you have an identifiable armadillo burrow on the property, level an area of dirt adjacent or even over top the burrow, and...
Hornets build paper nests high above ground and are very aggressive when that nest is threatened. They do perform a service by hunting down other insects, but their aggressiveness and ability to damage your property make them highly undesirable. Related: How to Get Rid of Hornets On Your Own...
What does overwintering mean when it comes to pests? Simply put, overwintering is how an insect passes the winter season. Many insects overwinter as adults, pupae, or eggs. They can overwinter inside buildings, under tree bark, or beneath fallen leaves or other plant matter on the ground, ...