I build a fly line loader to fit lines and backing to fly reels tedious by hand, on the same principal altering the resistance of the coil using the potentiometer it went fron crawl speed to max no problem, Its probably more consistant than the foot pedal. have a google on speed control...
I began to design to formulate ideas for an electric go-kart around the beginning of my senior year in college. I was able to devote a good deal of time to the project in my last semester by working on the project as my undergrad thesis. In my design and analysis, I used computationa...
Contributing largely to stepped-up performance is precision balancing of the piston assembly and the connecting rod to the crankshaft counterweights. A special dynamic balancing machine or an electronic digital scale is used for balancing the piston assembly/rod to the crankshaft so the total weight ...
following the curve of the Concord road before cantering onto the Common. A guttural roar began to build in the ranks, more growl than cheer. “Soldiers, don’t fire,” Pitcairn yelled, according to a British lieutenant. “Keep your ranks. Form and surround them.” Spectators gawking from...
George Westinghouse opened that plant in 1895, but the principles of its operation haven't changed much since then. First, engineers build a dam across a river to create a reservoir of stored water. They place a water intake near the bottom of the dam wall, which allows water to flow fr...
Exercise: Build a Life Totem Using any material on any surface, make or draw or render a four-foot-tall totem pole of your life. From this totem, we should be able to know something about you other than what you look like or how many siblings you have. Include anything you want: wor...
These electric motors use a capacitor to start and run the motor efficiently. We explain the choice & wiring procedures for a hard start capacitor designed to get a hard-starting air conditioner compressor motor, fan motor, refrigerator, or freezer compressor or other electric motor (such as a...
pole, in single or combined operations, and checking the possible difference between poles or mismatch time which may lead to a dangerous lack of synchronism. How to test a circuit breaker with a circuit breaker analyzer depends also on the type of possible problems to be confirmed, which ...