[TED Talk] 乔·史密斯:怎样用纸巾擦手 | How to use a paper towel Joe Smith | Joe Smith, 2012 00:00:11 美国人每年 Five hundred seventy-one million 00:00:15 要消耗掉五亿七千一百二十三万磅 two hundred thirty thousand pounds of paper towels 00:00:21 的纸巾 are used by Americans 00:00...
How to use a paper towel 视 频▼TED简介:You use paper towels to dry your hands every day, but chances are, you're doing it wrong. In this enlightening and funny short talk, Joe Smith reveals the trick to perfect paper ...
Joe Smith is an active figure in the Oregon community and a powerful advocate for proper paper towel use. Why you should listen R.P. Joe Smith served as District Attorney for Umatilla County and is the former chair of the Oregon Democratic Party. He was the Executive Assistant to the Speak...
how to use a paper towel总结 使用纸巾(或纸巾)是日常生活中非常常见的一项技能,正确地使用它可以有效地帮助我们处理各种清洁任务。下面,我将总结一些使用纸巾的技巧和方法。 一、选择合适的纸巾 首先,选择合适的纸巾是非常重要的。根据用途,纸巾有不同的种类,如面巾、餐巾、厨房纸巾等,每种纸巾的吸水性、质地和...
7 Ways to Create a Home You Love 4th of July Decor in the Living Room 4th of July Porch Decor – Red White and Blue Summer Pillow for the Front Porch Rope Wrapped Candle Holder – Thrifty Style Team Patriotic American Flag Toothpick Wreath ...
关键词是,甩手,折叠。(Shake& Fold) 甩手12次(这里Joe打趣说,12是个好数字啊,12使徒apostles,12个部落tribes,12宫zodiac signs,12个月,而且12还是单音节词里面最大的数字the biggest number with one syllable)。 纸巾一折三(Tri-fold)。Wipe. Dry hands. ...
ted how to use a paper towel总结 一个人的日常生活中,纸巾几乎是必不可少的。无论是擦汗、擦手、擦鼻涕,亦或是清洁桌面,纸巾都可以派上用场。虽然我们经常使用纸巾,但你是否知道如何正确地使用它们?在TED演讲中,演讲者向我们展示了正确使用纸巾的方法和技巧。接下来,我将一步一步地回答关于“How to Use ...
To make the stencil easier to use, I pressed a piece of scrap paper over the end of the paper towel holder and cut out a template of the circle. Then, I traced the circle around my stencil and cut it out. I apologize for not taking a photo of that process!
这里有个TED演讲的小视频:how to use a paper towel? 如何正确使用纸巾擦手? 之前看到后就想发的一篇相关文章,但当时觉得单独拿出来发一下有点微不足道的样子。 对于节约用纸这件事情来说,我对自己的要求是: 自己能做到就好,不必去强求别人。 但是,今天在卫生间看到一位女士,洗完手后“刷刷刷”的抽出来三...
How to use a paper towelDavid Wogan