If it’s a local issue, like concerns about your neighborhood’s trash pickup, your child’s school or your city’s electrical grid, you need to find your city or county representative–probably a councillor, mayor or commissioner, but also maybe a head of some local department, like the...
The life cycle assessment performed by Lausselet et al., 2019 [29], indicated that operational mobility GHG emissions could contribute up to 15% of the total GHG emissions coming from the life cycle of a (net) zero GHG emissions neighborhood in Bergen city, Norway. The daily distance ...
Jaime Lerner, who wanted to re-invent the public transport system of Curitiba but had no funds to build a metro or a light rail system. Curitiba's BRT until this very day remains one of the leading and most innovative schemes running in seven corridors spanning across 74 km and being ...
Third, the micro-scale built environment features based on eye-level views have been shown to have a significant impact on human physical activities [6,11]. However, due to the limitations of technology, the influence of street-level elements on running activities is rarely discussed in running...
Want to learn how to play Civilization VI? Civ 6 is significantly different from other games in the series, featuring many new mechanics and styles of play. The scale of the game is enormous, but don't let the complexity scare you away!...