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salt, and pollutants. Apply wax at least twice a year—more often if your boat is exposed to harsh conditions regularly. Ensure the gel coat is completely dry and free of contaminants before applying wax in a circular motion using a soft cloth or buffer. ...
You don’t need to have a pilot’s license in real life to get a kick out of performing loops the loops and, as Super GT shows, all you need is GTA V, a fighter jet and a huge city to call your playground. Get a look at how he manages to squeeze his aircraft right into the...
Car salespeople have a lot of tricks to get you to pay more for a car and its hard to really know what is a fair price, when you are getting a good deal or a bad deal. This makes it tough to negotiate a car price. Nonetheless, it was time for us to upgrade to a new minivan...
For centuries, the idea of service was focused on one particular kind of job: being a servant. It didn’t necessarily seem like a terrible option at the time. There was little social mobility; if your parents were servants you were probably going to end up doing the same thing. Carrying...
Jon Tucker Would Like a Word Metcalfe has long since resigned himself to having people calling him "John Tucker" on the street, but apparently some people just can't resist when they come across the actorJonathan Tucker, either. "I ran into him on the street in Vancouve...
June's full moon is commonly known as the strawberry moon, a name that comes from the Algonquin Native American tribe in the northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada and refers to the region's strawberry harvesting season (not the moon's actual hue). ...
Whenever I hear of domain names being stolen, I reach out to the investor to express my support and to determine if they figured out how it was stolen. Because with that knowledge, you can prevent a theft the next time. But each time I reach out, I'm dis
This article shows you how to set-up free email for your own personal or business domain name using Google Apps. It provides a step-by-step tutorial for free email on your own domain name using Google's industry-leading Gmail service