Roll20 campaigns can be set up as public or private with the Roll20 community. For groups looking to add a few new players, campaigns can be set up by GMs to welcome new players via a posting board option in the community that feels like the old school bulletin boards in the open play...
So when there is something that you feel needs to be talked out, do it! Maybe it’s just asking a player to more clearly explain what they’re trying to do so you can tell them what to roll. Or noticing if players missed a plot detail and making sure they understand what has ...
In order to play a Dungeons and Dragons game, you need to build a DnD character sheet –a complete record of your fantasy character’s in-game stats, equipment, and more – to keep track of your adventure. There are a few options to choose from, so this guide helps you find the ...
Express interest in joining a D&D group to friends, family, and colleagues, and gaming communities are often full of D&D players even when they're based around other games. Building relationships with fellow D&D players is a surefire way to find a D&D group, even if building those relationship...
We host a wide variety of tools that can streamline D&D for Dungeon Masters and players, allowing them to focus on the fun. For players, we have digital character sheets that will enable them to create their character, manage their skills, abilities, and inventory, and roll dice at the ...
Hi, I'm very new in the DnD and I haven't played any campaigns yet. I'm trying to create my first character and after looking through my brother's dnd books, I thought maybe a centaur would be cool. I don't know much about how to play as one and how the campaign would wor...
Pre-generated characters can be extremely useful because you can create them in a way that perfectly fits the plot of the one-shot. Not only that, but they’re also a great way to introduce people to a new setting or system! With a pre-gen character, they can get a feel for what ...
This will quite often make most veteran players happier too because it lets them get right into the fun parts of the game instead of having to hope a bad roll means they need to build a new character. Have everybody keep backup characters in-reserve. This is, honestly, t...
. It also helps to involve all players when it is always the same players who take initiative: "what do you do Sir Galdric?". Directing the "what do you do?" question to a character comes natural in encounters when the order of initiative has been defined by rolling dices. But also ...
s not a bad idea to build your online campaign around those strengths and weaknesses. Consider that, by removing your ability to see each other, online role-playing lets you focus more on immersing yourself in the narrative and on losing yourself in a character. If you just close your ...