Method 1 – Using Find and Replace to Get Multiple Values in Excel Steps: Select the dataset (B4:C11). Press Ctrl + F to bring up the Find and Replace window or go to Home and select Find & Select, then click on Find. Type Emily in the Find what field and click on Find All. ...
Method 2 – Fetch Multiple Values in the Same Column Steps: Go to cell D5 and insert the formula below. =ARRAYFORMULA(VLOOKUP(C5:C14,IMPORTRANGE("","Dataset!B4:E14"),4,FALSE)) Th...
A dynamic column or row reference created by MATCH makes this Excel lookup formula immune to the changes made in the dataset. In other words, with some help from MATCH, the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions can return correct values no matter how many columns/rows have been inserted to or delet...
Let’s say you have a table with large amounts of data, to find the cells with values that are greater or less than a specific value, it will be tiresome and time-consuming. In this tutorial, I will talk about the ways to quickly highlight the cells that contain values great...
Supposing you have selected some specific cells of a range, and now you need to inverse the selection: deselected the selected cells and select the other cells. See the following screenshot:Of course, you can reverse the selection manually. But this article will bring you some cute tricks to...
error in Excel is most commonly experienced while using a dynamic array function. A formula that cannot fill the required cells with the calculated results creates this error. After the introduction of dynamic arrays, the formulas can often return multiple values. In such cases, the result will ...
the very useful functionVLOOKUP. (I've read that this is and has been for a long time, something like the third most widely used of the functions within Excel.) There now are some other ways to accomplish the same thing, by the way. The basic ideas in VLOOKUP consist of t...
1. How to Bring Data into Excel Before creating dashboards in Excel, you need to import the data into Excel. You can copy and paste the data, or if you use CommCare, you can create an Excel Connection to your export. But, the best way is to use ODBC (or Live Data Connector). ...
IFNA to return multiple results In case the inner function (i.e. the formula placed in thevalueargument) returns multiple values, IFNA will test each returned value individually and output an array of results. For example: =IFNA(VLOOKUP(D2:D4, A2:B10, 2, FALSE), "Not found") ...
READ MORE:VLOOKUP vs XLOOKUP: Which is the better Excel Formula? ➜ 5. Unhide Columns Using Excel VBA Excel VBA(Virtual Basic for Applications) is a great way toautomate tasksand customize certain operations. However, to use this method properly, you will need to have a basic grip on ap...