A cold, theflu, or even allergies can all bring one on, too. That’s because they tend to cause congestion and swelling in your nasal passages and throat. When fluid builds up and doesn't drain effectively, it can increase your chance of anear infection. Risks Ear infections tend to occ...
Thus, drooling could be a telltale sign that your baby is teething. We should note that some drooling in infants and toddlers is perfectly normal! When kids find their hands and start to bring them to their mouths, this can also stimulate saliva production. That’s merely a part of ...
If you suspect your toddler has a kidney problem, it is important to see a pediatrician at earlies. They will likely perform a physical examination of your child and may order urine and blood tests to check for any abnormalities in Children. They may also refer to a pediatric nephrologist f...
Decongestant –If you have a runny nose from rhinitis, you may want to bring down the inflammation of your mucus membranes. Consider taking a decongestant that contains phenylephrine or pseudoephedrine. This may help reduce your nasal swelling. When to See a Doctor For a Runny Nose If your sym...
But if there is an abscess and he is in pain I would try and get him seen by a pediatrician as soon as possible if the dentist cannot see him soon. If you notice it getting worse instead of better or if he runs a fever, I would go to the ER or an urgent care type clinic. I...
Wrap them -- bring clean scalable bags and plastic cling film for this; never reuse wrapping that held raw meat -- and place them in a cooler with plenty of ice as soon as possible. Any cooked food that has been sitting for an hour or more in the summer heat probably isn't safe ...
Early pregnancy:If you get hand, foot, and mouth disease early in pregnancy, it’s usually not cause for concern as long as your fever stays below 100 degrees. Always check inwith your healthcare provider and be sure to drink plenty of water. ...
Ask for a written copy of the daycare's policies. If they can't supply one, that's a reason to be wary. A lax sick-child policy. If children and staff who come down with a fever or the flu don't have to stay home for at least 24 hours, your baby is more likely to catch ...
Both shigellosis and amebiasis are marked by severe, sometimes bloody, diarrhea; fever; and stomach cramps. According to the CDC, about 18,000 cases of shigellosis are reported every year in the United States, but amebiasis usually afflicts people in developing countries. However, cases of amebia...
A low-profile mattress works well for a toddler, and they can also work in guest rooms if you need a bed for the occasional guest. (We wouldn’t recommend them for people who commonly host out-of-towners since these beds aren’t usually comfortable for an adult and they break down ...