This brings up the full mouse and keyboard control settings on Bluestacks. Click on any key icon and press the new key control you want to use. You can also delete keys by clicking on the “x” next to them. To activate or deactivate Shooter Mode (hide the mouse cursor to look ...
How can I lock/unlock the cursor? 1. From your BlueStacks home screen, launch your favorite game. 2. At any point while playing the game, you canlock your cursorwithin the game screen using one of the following ways: By clicking on theLock/Unlock cursor tool given in the...
Toggle the use of"ESC" shortcut keyto exit fullscreen and unlock the mouse cursor. Manage thedesktop notifications. Manage where to save your media files captured in BlueStacks on your PC. Manage the notifications you receive from BlueStacks Services by clicking on"Manage"beside Windows P...
You can assign shortcut keys on BlueStacks 5 to perform various actions instantly without using the cursor. This article will guide you on how to view and/or edit keyboard shortcuts for actions, such as changing the volume, opening the Settings menu and toggling game controls, to fit your ...