Ian Sterling, founder of Fishlab.com, began his aquarium journey over 30 years ago, driven by a deep fascination for fish and their diverse personalities. His website, Fishlab.com, is dedicated to making fishkeeping accessible and enjoyable, offering beginner-friendly guidance, expert insights, an...
We have Welsh Harlequin ducks, a heritage breed that makes great pets and egg layers. They’re bred from Mallards, which are “dabblers.” Dabbling ducks tip underwater to forage, while keeping their butts and feet on the surface. Our ducks will do short dives for fun, but they’re ...
When a fish is able to breed, it is considered an adult. The time necessary for a fish to mature varies depending on the species and the individual fish. Fish with shorter life spans mature quicker. Female round gobies, for example, mature in about a year and live for two to three yea...
The pH of freshwater varies around the world, and most fish have adapted to live and breed in a narrow band of pH values.
If you are trying to breed fish, then you definitely want to keep nitrate levels low! High levels can damage reproductive organs, meaning your fish will be unable to make babies! 5. Reduced life span Fish that constantly live in water with high levels of nitrates do not live as long. ...
A Guide To Razorback Musk Turtle Care Popular Species Discus Dragon Ranchu Goldfish Piranha African Cichlids Fish Types Tetras Koi Cory Catfish Goldfish Gourami Sharks Bala Albino Iridescent Chinese Hi Fin Red Tail About About Contact Privacy Policy...
Per WorldCichlids.com, bottom feeders like pictus catfish and clown loache are compatible with oscars because they stay on the bottom of a tank whereas oscars stay in the middle and top of the tank due to their larger size. Oscars also tend to hunt fish who swim in the middle and top...
How to Tell If a Guppy Is Male or Female How toTell the Sex of an Angelfish How toBreed Guppies How toFeed Guppies How toTake Care of Baby Platy Fish How toCare for Guppies How toBreed Angelfish How toCare for an Angelfish How toTake Care of Molly Fry How toBreed Koi Fish How to...
If you have a 10-gallon tank, for example, aim for about five guppies. This will simply help you maintain the tank better and keep your fish healthier. Some guppy breeders and enthusiasts might argue that you don’t need to follow that ratio, but the more fish you have in your tank...