For one frog, the tank capacity should be a minimum of five gallons. If you want to keep more than one, thedwarf frog tankshould be larger. Moreover, if youbreed African dwarffrogs in the same tank where you keepbetta fish, you should house them in at least a 20-gallon tank. Rememb...
A few species of fish do not lay eggs but produce live babies, called fry. Some live bearers breed easily in home aquariums, including guppies, swordtail, Endlers fish, mollies, and platies. For these fish, egg fertilization occurs internally through mating using a modifiedanal fin called a...
3. Poor color Fish that are stressed by high levels of nitrates won’t display their natural coloring the way they would under normal, healthy conditions. You may even find that your fish’s color will fade. 4. Damaged reproductive organs If you are trying to breed fish, then you definite...
A few species of fish do not lay eggs but produce live babies, called fry. Some live bearers breed easily in home aquariums, including guppies, swordtail, Endlers fish, mollies, and platies. For these fish, egg fertilization occurs internally through mating using a modifiedanal fin called a...
began his aquarium journey over 30 years ago, driven by a deep fascination for fish and their diverse personalities. His website,, is dedicated to making fishkeeping accessible and enjoyable, offering beginner-friendly guidance, expert insights, and a community for aquarists to connect...
5. The need for a Large Pond Unlikegoldfish, guppies, and other commercial aquarium fish, Koi demands a huge pond for their survival. The depth and intensity of Koi’s color and luster depend on water quality, therefore, Koi breeders prefer breeding and raising them in large ponds. ...
prepared foods. Choose from brine shrimp, shrimp pellets, waxworms, tubifex worms, bloodworms, mealworms, and insects as well as feeder guppies and small minnows. You can purchase these items at your local pet store. If these foods are too expensive, stick with frog pellets for everyday use...
These microworms are also a good food choice for small adult fish like guppies, scarlet badis, and neon tetras. Microworms are among the easiest live fish foods to culture at home, and it only takes a small amount of effort to boost your fry survival rates with this inexpensive healthy ...
You generally need to either put non-aggressive or aggressive fish together. If you mix the types, then the aggressive fish will usually attack the others.[4] For example, goldfish, guppies, and tiger pleco are all friendly fish that will coexist peacefully together. Angelfish and cichlids ...