So, if you’re one of those chicken owners whose passion is to see a lot of fresh eggs each day they turn to their backyard, then it’s vital to choose the breed of chickens that lay a warm, yummy egg every day! The following breed lays the most eggs – all year around: Plymouth...
Main Coons are the second most popular cat breed in the world. Weighing up to 20 pounds or more, these giant giants are known for their shaggy coats and tufted ears, but it’s not just their appearance that makes them popular. The Maine Coons are a friendly, intelligent, loyal, and aff...
Here’s more on our decision to stick with Cornish Cross birds. Other Helpful Chicken Butchering Resources Butchering Our Turkeys (video) Reflections on Our First Year Raising Meat Chickens How to Roast a Homegrown Turkey (or other homegrown poultry) How to Cook a Old Hen or Rooster How to...
Healthy chickens encounter the cocci parasite naturally, build up a natural resistance to it, and are typically unhurt by it. However, poor conditions including overcrowding, damp bedding, unclean coop and run areas, and warm, humid environments can lead to high levels of cocci. When this happen...
I used to think that raising ducks for meat was expensive. Turns out, that was just because I was trying to raise ducks like broiler chickens. Broilers, usuallyCornish crosses, are confined, fed bagged feed, and ready to process in 45-60 days. They are extremely economical to raise because...
The Best Chicken Breeds to Raise for Meat The first step isfinding your breed. The most recommended meat chicken by poultry farmers is the Cornish Cross broiler. We are in our sixth year of raising our birds, and we continue with this breed because they are the best meat chickens. ...
Although I have killed a couple chickens before, I was curious to see the “proper” way to do it. Broilers have been breed over the years to be rather dumb and gain weight incredibly quickly. By the time they are only 8-12 weeks old, they need to be butchered lest they eat ...