or could take as long as 6 months. The more white sugar you use, the longer it seems to want to age for. In the meantime, buy another jug of juice and begin the process over again. Ialwayshave one jug going on the counter between the stove ...
You can tap the structure on Cold Island or Shugabush island. Once you select it, tap Breed. 4 Select a monster from each column. Download Article Choose monsters to create a pairing that makes up equal parts of the Air, Plant, Water, and Cold elements. You can either breed two ...
No, you can't breed the Dipsters, sadly. But you CAN breed your other monsters on Ethereal, Plant, or Cold Island. Not Helpful 4 Helpful 3 Question What level do my monsters need to be to breed them? Community Answer They need to be at least level four to breed. They also hav...