[breathe] This is the most wonderful time of year. [breathe] I went to the park earlier, [breathe] and I enjoyed some sunshine. [breathe] The weather has been great recently; [breathe] I hope it stays that way. [breathe] The best part of summer is this: [breathe] the sunshine. [...
Tantric sex is a long-lasting, slow form of sex that focuses on connection and pleasure. Sex therapists explain how to try it, with a partner or on your own.
Onc day I was in class. The whole class was very quiet.All of a sudden my cell phone rang.Many heads turned in my direction. The teacher walked up to me.My face turned red.I felt so nervous that I could hard...
Considerations for transitioning a company to remote Considerations for working while traveling GitLab All-Remote Course (Remote Work Foundation) GitLab for Remote Teams GitLab Meeting Best Practices: Live Doc Meetings GitLab's Guide to All-Remote Head of Remote: how to hire, job posting...
I really love the lyric, “Now I'm talking to somebody that I'm paying once a week I'm relearning how to breathe at the age of 23.” That stuck with me since the very first time I heard this album. Can you talk to me about what this line means to you?
This framework leads to a podcast plan that stands a great chance of producing compelling content and consistent growth: Purpose:why am I doing it? Audience:who am I talking to? Topic:what am I talking about? Hallmark:why should they listen?
As part of yourbrand strategy, compose a list of adjectives describing your company’s character, as if talking about a person. Would it be better portrayed as classy or trendy? Is it reliable and mature, or edgy and youthful? Next, think about the story you want your brand to tell. Yo...
Talking to someone can help to provide perspective and can help you to feel less alone during this difficult time. Practice self-care It’s important to take care of yourself when you’re dealing with being cheated on. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly...
4. Take deep breaths Don’t forget to breathe Many individuals who are learning how to improve their public speaking often speed through their talking points. However, don’t forget to breathe while you speak. When you feel nervous, take a few long, deep breaths, smile, and then take a ...
I'm trying it right now.The first 30 seconds are easy.I want to give up at 45 seconds but I continue and it gets easier for a while.But,as I go past one minute,my heart is pounding.I breathe out a tiny bit and this helps.One minute and 12 seconds.I'm quite impressed with my...