Rossi’s motto is simple; "molds are a delicious thing to break!” Notes from the show: As a child, she always thought she would end up as President of the US. Then she thought she would end up an artist. She has always had a problem with authority and considers herself completely ...
As I mentioned at the beginning, I believe the.30 CALM1 Carbine is the best urban defensive tool one can choose. I recommend it to all my students and even have a class dedicated to its use. If you are offered the opportunity to shoot one, don’t pass it up. It is addictive and ...
cache, or your bug out bag. With the equipment in your bug out jacket, you should be able to build a shelter, make a fire, get water, and assist in other survival tasks. It should be feasible to conduct the entire bug out with just the gear ...
. That being said, I don’t care how many criminals break the laws with a firearm. The only solution is to deter this criminals by the threat of reactionary force from armed individuals and security. Disarming or infringing the rights of law abiding citizens does nothing but make them less ...
It was a Ruger Redhawk, a handgun powerful enough to take down a grizzly. Curry told them he was willing to use it. Over the next hour, Hunter tiptoed out to a tree and tried to reason with Curry, but Curry insisted that their laws did not apply. “I’m a living man,” h...