Just be careful not to go overboard and turn your cookies into bricks! Mix everything together until each ingredient is happily mingling, like a well-behaved party where everyone’s having a good time. Once you’ve adjusted the wet and dry ingredients, it’s time to bake those cookies to...
You want to be careful of over-drying your weed, or buds will crumble when you try to break it up. If this happens, some growers recommend ways to re-moisten the buds with water and hang them to dry again, but this may not help. Cannabis bud seems to cure best if you dry it out...
After each timed set, remove the towel to break up and stir lumps with a fork. Be sure to check the texture after each increment to prevent overheating and avoid zapping it for longer periods as the refined crystals can start to melt with too much heat. Process Carefully This method doesn...
If you expect to walk several kilometres and carry it from early morning until evening, it has to be comfortable. If a larger cross-body bag or sling bag results in shoulder-and-neck stress, a small backpack might distribute the weight more evenly for you. If you like a crossbody purse ...
Do a light sprinkle of cinnamon on your apple pie filling to enhance the flavor. When done, place the filling in a medium sized bowl and pour evenly over the two bricks of smoked cream cheese while they are on the grill. Close the lid and smoke for another 30 minutes to get the apple...
Remember that a bug out jacket is never going to replace a bug out bag or a get home bag and should be considered a supplement to them. You may also like: How to Make Firebricks (fire logs) and Wood Stove Logs for Free! What Really Happens When You Bury A Shipping Container(Video)...
The quickest, easiest way to dry pillows is in the dryer. But heat can break down the fill, so dry on the air-only cycle for 20 minutes at a time until the pillows are dry. Use a couple of clean tennis balls or dryer balls to speed up the process and dry the fill evenly. ...
Himalayan Salt Slabs, Blocks, Plates and Bricksare nature's cook top and serving platter in one, offering many creative culinary uses while delivering the benefits of natural, pure salt with no chemicals or additives. Heat your Himalayan pink salt slab, plate, or brick to high temperatures and...
I make bricks from newspaper to use as fuel in my wood-burning stove. Because I live off the grid, I cannot flick the switch on an electric heater to keep warm while my paper bricks dry, so I need the process to be quick and easy. ...
500-pound grapple with six retractable steel talons that scoops up to two-and-a-half tons of garbage on every lift. The operator next to me hoists trash out of the pit, releasing it onto a mountainous mixing pile, “fluffing” the waste to create a blend that will burn evenly. With ...