salads and more salads, with the odd bit of protein thrown in. Have been inspired again by the wonderful Ottolenghi lads, as I was giventhisfantastic book for Christmas, but also have revived lots of old favourites. Hope to be back here soon with some recipes … if you’re in Australia...
Fungi have been companions of mankind for millennia. Mushrooms inspired our eating culture, and yeasts and filamentous fungi were developed into highly efficient cell factories during the last 100 years to produce many products utilized in different indu
Walking and cycling to school provide a convenient opportunity to incorporate physical activity into an adolescent's daily routine. School proximity to residential homes has been identified as an important determinant of active commuting among children.
The flight has to continue, and you have to sort things out while you’re still flying. This section shows why such a situation could incentivize an organization to make many decisions based on instinct rather than data.Livebook feature - Free preview In livebook, text is yatplciqd in ...
Throughout the 80s and 90s, and into the 2000s, the understanding of what molecules could do for phylo- geny moved from a role as tools that could test existing theories about evolutionary relationships to becoming the substance of evolutionary analysis and the source of novel hypotheses about ...
For specialised pollinators, the synchrony of plant and pollinator life history is critical to the persistence of pollinator populations. This is even more critical in nursery pollination, where pollinators are obligately dependant on female host plant f
The flight has to continue, and you have to sort things out while you’re still flying. This section shows why such a situation could incentivize an organization to make many decisions based on instinct rather than data.Livebook feature - Free preview In livebook, text is plciqdatc in ...
2.2. Survey Questionnaire and Data Collection A web-based, electronic survey was designed in English on Survey Monkey© and initially circulated to a pilot cohort of 18 people to test functionality and ease of completion. Feedback was collected from the pilot cohort, and some minor changes ...
The thesis of this complex view of evolution, then, tries to link "quorum sensing" to primitive chemical and non-language-based communication to conscious, culturally-dependent forms of language-based communication to a current form of social networking via high-tech communication (Twitter, Facebook...
In this context, and with the advance of biotechnology, many new methodologies can be used to better describe the type and intensity of the immune response. Why is this particularity so important? In the book "Germ Warfare: breakthroughs in immunology," the author recounts a conversation that ...