Don't share your vaccine card on social media. Criminals can easily steal personal information from that card to commit various types of fraudulent activity. They could even try contacting you to supposedly offer the second jab, which would be fake. If you don't know how to securely book an...
SEE ALSO: Everything you need to know about monkeypox So, long story short, unlike the COVID-19 vaccine, which is for pretty much everyone, this is something you should only get if you’re in a high risk group, particularly while JYNNEOS doses are in short supply. And since these ...
the data suggests that it is also likely to reduce serious COVID-19 complications. This may be because vitamin D is important in regulation and suppression of the inflammatory cytokine response, which causes the severe consequences of COVID-19 and the ‘acute respiratory distress...
The COVID-19 vaccine is designed to stop an ongoing, deadly global pandemic. Those differences may make people more likely to come back for that second dose. “We keep seeing the number of infections, the horrific death toll. It’s a constant reminder to people of the severity ...
Vaccination rates are going up, appointments are now opening up to younger people (anyone over 18 after mid June). We had our first jab last week, second booked in for the first week in June. Our neighbours have all been "done" or have an appointment. So I guess...