it’s a platform for them to share their story. We have over 250 stories on there about what they faced in the hospital. We really wanted to get this information out there to the public, but we also wanted to give a solution, not just to scare people. And that’s where I ended up...
My view is we are now very in the same territory as a flu jab reducing severe infection and death by something like a half. Yes, the third booster saves some lives in the most vulnerable. Yes, it causes adverse effects, some long-term, in a minority. The benefits may last 3 months....
403 words should appear in the letter’s opening paragraph, she might not even have to read a single additional sentence; if her agency happens to adhere to the belief that 100,000 words is the top cut-off for a first novel — as is the case in most fiction categories — she would h...
Evening Chronicle (Newcastle, England)
This works best when it’s direct and to the point. Itchy scalp? Buy this shampoo. Yellow teeth? Buy this teeth whitener. It works well for services too. Ears full of wax? Ear Wax Removal service. Long waiting list for a flu jab? Walk-in appointments available. ...
Peppermint oil diluted in water is sometimes used to treat stomach upset caused by IBS, stomach flu, and food allergies, but peppermint tea made from the dried or fresh herb may work just as well.7 Peppermint also helps digestive fluids, calledbile, move easily through the digestive tract, ...
Much of the surge has been driven by parents refusing to vaccinate their children. Health workers worry that these “anti-vaxxers” are not only spurring a resurgence in measles, mumps and rubella by refusing the MMR vaccine but are also slowing the uptake of inoculations against flu, meningiti...
However, this protest movement was only limited to this specific event. Incidentally, the roots for pro-mask-wearing behaviours in Japan can also be traced back to the Spanish flu pandemic, although Burgess & Horii [3] argue that the practice only became socially embedded in the 1990s through...
I just got over COVID and, while I had a fairly bad case that lasted almost three weeks, I am still amazed that the entire planet has been locked down by what is essentially the flu. It is blatantly obvious that this is a full-scale effort to control society with vaccine passports bei...
“When it first became clear that this disease was appearing, Richard [Hatchett] and I sat down and said, we know what happened with the last swine flu pandemic, where wealthy countries bought up all the doses that were … available for the developing world, we have to try to do some...