WhatsApp also allows group chats along with personal messaging. To use a group chat method for messaging someone who has blocked you, you will need a mutual contact who has both you and the blocking connection in their WhatsApp contact list. If this mutual contact adds you and the blocking ...
Learn easy ways to view messages from blocked WhatsApp contacts. This easy guide shows how to retrieve blocked messages on WhatsApp on Android or iPhone.
Whenever you block someone on WhatsApp, they are not made aware that you blocked them. If you are concerned that they may use the clues outlined above to figure out that you have blocked them, there’s really nothing that can be done about it. WhatsApp tries to make it as unclear as ...
Lets you block annoying apps and websites to control your screen time and help you focus. Individuals seeking tools to enhance productivity by managing distractions and controlling screen time. Qustodio Filters websites by using 29 different app categories, and sends notifications if someone tries to...
I travel often to China, and I hate how I lose access to WhatsApp while I’m there(I use WhatsApp to keep in touch with friends and family, and I also use it for work). This happens because the government uses the Great Firewall to block access to WhatsApp. While I could use We...
If you find someone on Google Chat to be bothersome or uncomfortable to interact with, do not hesitate to block them. This will prevent them from being able to contact you. To block a person, move your mouse over their name, click on the downwards arrow that appears, and then select “...
Step 4: Log into your Instagram account.You should now be able to use the social media app without having to deal with any annoying restrictions. Whenever I go to China, I always hate how I lose access to Instagram.Unfortunately, the Chinese government uses firewalls to block access to the...
How to use Live translate during phone calls How to use Live translate in other apps Notes: Other features include– Mute voice: Allows you to block the other party's or your voice on a call so that only the translation is heard. ...
For instance, if you find someone bothersome or harmful to your child, like a persistent Mr. X, you can conveniently block his calls, ensuring your child’s safety. 2. Instant Messenger Tracking and Keylogging mSpy takes monitoring a step further by letting you track every keystroke made on ...
It’s just another way to help you stay focused while studying. 6. Block out all possible distractions Now, this may be an obvious point to make, but it’s certainly one of the most important when it comes to finding ways to avoid distractions while studying. Did you know that, on ...