一、了解弹窗的类型 (Understanding the Types of Pop-ups) 弹窗可以分为几种类型,包括广告弹窗、通知弹窗和登录验证弹窗等。广告弹窗通常是为了推广某些产品或服务,而通知弹窗则可能是网站要求用户允许某些权限。了解这些弹窗的类型,有助于我们更好地采取措施进行屏蔽。 二、使用浏览器内置的弹窗拦截功能 (Using Built...
We'd like to remind you that AdGuard for Mac is commercial software, but you have 14 days of free trial before the purchase to see if it suits your needs. You will find it on App Store and on our website.If you choose us, here’s what you have to do to block pop-ups: Wait ...
“Close” option, making users click the actual ad or URL instead of closing the pop-up. There were even cases when a pop-up enlarged at the last second, so users misclicked an ad instead of the “Close” button. So it’s no wonder many people want to know how to block pop-ups....
Step 4:Now, turn on the toggle forBlock. However, you can also block pop-ups for specific sites only: Step 1:Turn off the toggle forBlock. This is needed to enable pop-ups on all sites first before adding specific sites to the pop-up blocklist. Step 2:Next, click onAddnext to th...
Block pop-upsand toggle to off. Opera:MenuGo to browser settings>Advanced>Site Settings>Pop-ups and redirects This article explains how to allow pop-ups on your PC in Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Opera. It also includes information on why you might want to unblock pop-ups and how ...
Ever feel like you’re playing whack-a-mole with pop-up windows while browsing the Internet? It’s time to put that mallet down and block those annoying pop-ups for good. This tutorial shows how to block pop-ups in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and even Internet Explorer. ...
How to stop pop-ups on Internet Explorer The latest version of Internet Explorer, IE 11, comes with capabilities to enable and disable Internet Explorer pop-up blockers. This processwill only block pop-ups, and not all ads. If you want to block all ads in your browser, installing anad ...
Pop-ups can be irritating, but disabling a pop-up blocker for some sites is necessary for them to work properly. Read on to learn how to turn off the pop-up blocker in Chrome and which pop-ups you should block or allow depending on the browser or website you use. Then install a ...
If you want Safari to block and notify of pop-ups, choose the option. You also can chooseBlockorAllow Allow pop-ups in Safari on macOS Follow the steps above. Navigate to the website you want to see pop-ups on. ClickAllow. That's all there is to know about pop-ups on all the ...
Most of the time, you can block pop-ups and not worry about it. However, some websites use them for legitimate purposes. These are often outdated pages used by banks, universities, and similar. You might not be able to access certain pages unless you allow them to open in a pop-up—...