Learn how to block a website on Chrome using BlockList, set up parental controls, and other features. Check this article for all methods.
There are a few reasons you might want to block a website in Chrome. Sometimes, to achieve maximum productivity, you need to block distracting websites or sites withannoying notifications, so you can focus on your work. Or you might want to protect a child from seeing unsuitable content. T...
Chrome doesn’t offer a built-in option for every user to block websites. The easiest way to block websites on Chrome iswith an extension. Only a Google Admin Account can block a website on Chrome without using an extension. To do so, you must be logged in as an administrator. How ...
Still, Google has created relatively few methods for funneling the internet through filters or privacy screens on Chrome. By and large, finding a fix to any problem requires an extension. There are tons of reasons to block a website, but one of the more common is focus. So often our ...
To block a website on Chrome mobile using an Android device, follow these steps: Open the ‘Google Play Store’ on your phone. Search for ‘Blocksite Chrome’. The logo will look like a little red shield. Click ‘INSTALL’. Once the app has finished installing, click ‘open’. ...
You can firstly check how to block a website in Google Chrome on Windows 10 computer. Step 1. Install Block Site Chrome Extension TheBlock Site Chrome extensionis available in Chrome Web Store. At first, you can download and add this extension to your Chrome browser. ...
After downloading, re-launch Google Chrome to complete the process. You will find the extension icon at the top right corner of chrome. Click on the icon to display various options. Turn on ‘Enable Block Site.’ From there, you can manually add the URLs of the websites you want to bl...
And some browsers like Google Chrome automatically block ads that violate the Better Ads Standards. Allow Chrome pop-ups on specific sites Here’s how to allow Chrome pop-ups on specific sites you trust: Open Chrome and click the Menu (three dots) in the top-right corner, then click ...
Method 3: Use a VPN to unblock websites If the website fails to load on Google Chrome, it may be because it’s blocked in your country or authorities like schools or companies. To get around the block, use a VPN to hide your IP address, so your ISP can’t block the site for you...
Blocking a website in Google Chrome is fairly straightforward. Once you’ve decided whether to use an extension or an app, the most important thing is to choose carefully. One benefit of an app over an extension is that it can block sites in any browser, not just Chrome. Once you’ve ...