Junior doctors advise on how to prepare for your foundation years Every doctor will remember his or her first days as a junior doctor. Excitement is tempered by the fear that you have no idea what you are doing . . . "What was the code for that door again? How do I bleep? How do...
DOCTORS' LIABILITY TO THE PATIENT'S RELATIVES IN GENETIC MEDICINE: ABC V St George's Healthcare NHS trust [2015] EWHC 1394 (QB) This comment analyses the recent High Court's decision in ABC v St George's Healthcare NHS Trust. In this case, the court out a claim brought by a patient...
When you get given a bleep, work out how to check the volume and if it is set to “obnoxiously loud” turn it down because nobody wants a doctor in the middle of night who is experiencing chest pain from being awoken by a loud bleep. At the same time, don’t turn the volume down...
Some hospitals have successfully introduced an alert bleep that is put out when a patient in the emergency department has a hip fracture confirmed on X-ray. Many patients will be fast-tracked to a hip fracture unit, but a brief assessment by a senior doctor in the emergency Analgesia Pain ...