How to Leather Bind a Paperback: Turn an ordinary paperback book into a leather bound masterpiece... without any fancy tools or techniques. I've spent quite a few hours scouring bookstores, libraries, and the web for the answer to a simple question: how
Truth be told, I love to read actual, touchable books – the crisp, new pages, the smell of ink and paper as I open them up, the perfectly, non-creased binds (something that drives my husband – a page folder, cover-ripper, and bind-creaser if I ever did meet one – crazy). St...
Cut away the corners from the part that folds under, and also cut away a V-shaped piece from the middle at top and bottom–to allow the cloth to fold under without buckling. See diagram below. Pocket Slipcover Style: If you do not want to paste or glue the cloth to the outside, a...
How to Repair Paperback Books How to Apply Book Binding Tape How to Dry a Book Without the Pages Getting Wrinkl...How to Print & Bind Your Own Cookbook Ronda Levine Updated April 17, 2017 Home » The Rewrite A great way to keep recipes in the family, create a frugal gift, or ...
However, in special cases, you might need to calculate some of these things yourself. Ask yourself: am I designing for paperback or hardcover? Is my book fiction, non-fiction, digest, trade or technical? Will it have a lot of images or be mostly just text? Smaller books work well ...
I spent many hours listening to Ted Bundy (thought to have killed around 50 young women), Diane Downs (who shot her children), and Dennis Radar (the ‘Bind Torture Kill’ serial killer), learning their speech patterns and trying to understand how they think. When I first started to watch...
A Second Opinion: How (Not) to Start a Small Press Continue your hermetic existence. Quit your paying job to "focus on the press." Use a sans serif font. But use a serif font for the European editions. That'll shake things up! Good: Velobind your books. Better: Wirebind. Best: Sa...
Collecting old, rare books is a rewarding pastime. To get started, decide how much space you have for your collection, how much money you want to spend on it, and which old, rare books you want to collect. Educate yourself about book prices and collecting terminology with the help of a...
Although watching a literary snob swiftly shove the paperback he was avidly reading into a copy of PORTNOY’S COMPLAINT did constitute one of the great amusements of modern life, it’s one that I readily gave up in the service of an expansion of what counts as good writing. The ...