Many financial advisors recommend holding off on buying a house if you have significant student loan debt. To avoid major problems financially, your debts should be lowered first to a very comfortable figure. Your dream house can wait if there is any doubt your student loans could come back to...
To buy a house or a condo in the market, most people will have to make sacrifices, but ultimately we got a house, that with a lot of work, we will be happy living in. In addition, we stayed at the low-end of our budget and maintained the flexibility needed to be able to make ...
You don’t want to take the highest bid only to find out later the buyer can’t back it up. And that could happen: If they offer more than their lender thinks the house is worth, the buyer may not be able to borrow enough money to cover the offer amount. Hopefully, they have enou...
An abandoned house is a property that’s no longer occupied by its homeowners. Here’s what to know about buying one.
when you bid during the live auction. Live auctions begin at the time indicated on catalog and item pages. To bid live, simply visit the catalog or item at the indicated auction time, and click ‘Enter Live Auction’. You will be taken to the bidding console where the live auction is ...
How to Start Flipping HousesThe Expert Guide to Finding, Fixing and Selling Real Estate for ProfitWelcome to the most comprehensive guide to flipping houses that you will find on the Internet, or anywhere else. The goal of this tutorial is to get you more than a few steps ahead of other ...
Making an offer on a property is an exciting prospect, but many things need to happen before you can move in. You need to take many steps before and after making a bid for homes you love. We’ll look at what you should know before you make an offer on a home. You’ll also get ...
Look at various summer houses in different areas to get the best possible deal for your budget. Consider early on what things you’re willing to negotiate on and what not. Also consider the upkeep costs. Check if you need to pay for some utilities year-round, even when you’re not there...
The Effect of the Pandemic on Auction Houses Of course, the art market doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Like many other industries, it experienced significant disruptions during to the global pandemic. As a historically in-person format, auction houses had to quickly adapt to the new realities and...
You may have to act fast in a hot housing market where houses are getting multiple offers. Make sure you've done your homework. Ask for a comparative market analysis from your real estate agent to see what other homes in the area have sold for so you don't over or underbid. ...