Determining property lines can provide you with information for needed legal changes to your home and backyard.
We’ve got bias binding under our belt, so now we’re moving on to bias facing. If you look at the1940’s Apron Patternsample photos, the one done with bias facing is the one in red and white. Unlike the blue apron, where you can see the binding externally in a contrast blue, ki...
If you are applying bias tape to an edge that is not joined to anything, you simply extend the end of bias strip 1/4” beyond the edge to which it is being applied, trim the corners to reduce the bulk, fold the trimmed end over to the right side, re-fold the long edge and stitc...
The term “ethics board” has not been properly defined in the literature. As a first approximation, it can be defined as a collective body intended to promote an organization’s ethical behavior. To make this definition more concrete, we need to specify the role that ethics boards might play...
“By doing this, you can be assured that they are going to pull all the proper permits that go into a bathroom remodel to ensure your bathroom is brought up to code – in addition to knowing that they won’t cut any corners when doing the work.” A wet room has many advantages ...
with missing corners (in other words, ink traps), that would naturally be filled in by ink once printed. These days, especially on the web, ink traps are no longer necessary. However, typefaces like Whyte Inktrap are now utilizing this retro typography feature to form unusual, quirky ...
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The Galaxy S22 series, announced earlier this year at February’s Unpacked event, has been designed to push the boundaries of what a smartphone can do,
I ran it through my Bias Tape Maker one more time: Done! You did it! You learned how to make bias tape! Now wrap it around a piece of cardboard until you need to use it! Hold it in your hand and feel its homemade goodness. Sigh with satisfaction. Now that you’ve learned how ...
We default again to our quilter friends. Now, obviously our little pillow example does not begin to compare to the length ofbiasstrips needed forbindingan entire quilt, but we think this will help you to determine exactly how much fabric you will need for any project to which you want to...