Firestorm, JCD, and Maya cost thousands of dollars, it is worth considering low-budget solutions. TinkerCAD is free and only allows working with primitive shapes, yet it is an opportunity to start with digital jewelry design. Wax models can be created from exported files, and in case of...
3D vector text can be a daunting undertaking when not using a program like Maya or SketchUp. However, using a simple bevel and extrude effect, gradients, and offset paths, you’ll find creating 3D vector text is actually an easy job. Tutorial Details: 3D Vector Text Effect Program:Adobe Il...
Jobs publicly discussed his embrace of the Bauhaus style in a talk he gave at the 1983 Aspen design conference, the theme of which was “The Future Isn’t What It Used to Be.” He predicted the passing of the Sony style in favor of Bauhaus simplicity. “The current wave of...
In this process, first, we have to create a text layer, and later we have created a duplicate for it; we add some effects like Bevel alpha, cc particle systems and cc composite to duplicate layer by changing the values, we can change the text into particles, now apply liner wipe effect...