"When you fix your eyes only on the goal," the Master said, "you lose sight of the path before you. It is like trying to grab the moon's reflection in the water. The more you reach, the further it slips away." “当你只盯着目标时,”大师说道,“你就会忽视脚下的路。这就像试图抓...
How to Teach Sight WordsMark Pennington
Nearpod allows you to filter by standards to find lessons aligned with the Science of Reading for foundational skills instruction. Choose one of theEnglish Language Arts (ELA)strands in the dropdown menu to discover lessons you can teach or duplicate and modify to meet your students’ needs. Ex...
We need to teach children to identify individual sounds in words and then connect those sounds to letters. We teach them to sound out words,even sight words. What about sight words that aren’t regular, likethe? We call attention to the parts of the word thatarephonetic (and there’s us...
Are you here to learn how to teach high frequency words? You’re in the right place! What are sight words? Traditionally, when teachers say “sight words” they are referring to high frequency words that children should know by sight. ...
teachers try to teach tricky words using repeated visual exposure – whole word imaging or memorising – but research indicates that this is not the most effective approach. This blog will discuss the flaws of the ‘whole word’ approach to the learning of tricky words and suggest more appropria...
seek constantly in our work as teachers to secure either free or forced attention to the particular part of our courses of study or to the particular experiences which are allotted to the grade or class which we teach. One of the very greatest difficulties in securing attention upon the part...
This is the best way to teach phonics, and almost all of the children that learn this way will be equipped with the necessary skills to read new words. In time, they will progress to read all kinds of text fluently and with confidence and they will really enjoy reading. Children that l...
I'd like you to ask yourself, 我希望你问问自己, "How did I memorize this, and was it the best way to do it?" “我怎么记住这个,这是最好的方式吗?” Now, for the generation of my parents and grandparents, 现在,为了我的父母和祖父母的一代, ...
Practical Strategies to Quickly Grow Your Blog (on a Budget) After getting your blog off the ground, the next challenge is learning how to grow a blog. In this ultimate guide about how to grow your blog, we’re covering the best ways to get more readers, capture email subscribers and ...