Step 5– Take the end of the 1/4″ tubing and bend 12 ” of it at a 90 degree angle. Then zip tie this end tightly to your 3/4 ” pipe. Step 6– Start bending the copper around the pipe starting at the bottom of the coil making sure to keep it as snug as possible to the ...
The basic principle behind using an immersion wort chillers is fairly straight forward. The copper tubing, usually around 25-50 feet long, is formed into a large coil that can be submerged into the wort to cool it. After the boil and, when you are ready, you connect your chiller to a ...
Send a fluctuating electric current through a coil of copper wire and (although you can't see it happening) you'll produce a temporary magnetic field around the coil too. Put the coil near to a big, permanent magnet and the temporary magnetic field the coil produces will either attract or...
A fuse is just a thin wire, enclosed in a casing, that plugs into the circuit. When a circuit is closed, all charge flows through the fuse wire — the fuse experiences the same current as any other point along the circuit. The fuse is designed to disintegrate when it heats up above ...
The rotor is a series of large electromagnets that spins inside a tightly-wound coil of copper wire, called the stator. The magnetic field between the coil and the magnets creates an electric current. In the Hoover Dam, a current of 16,500 amps moves from the generator to the transformer,...
In mild-winter regions, give cloves a pre-planting cold treatment by putting them in potting soil in a plastic bag and setting them in the refrigerator for 8 weeks or more. When the cloves begin to sprout, plant them out into the garden. In cold-winter regions, protect cloves from frost...
Here, coil springs are replaced by airbags or air springs, often made from a rubber and polyurethane composite. A compressor fills these air springs via a reservoir to varying degrees: the more air that goes in, the higher the ride height. ...
To allow the hardwood to bend around the curved areas cut notches about 2/3 though the wood stringer about every ¼” in the inside the side that will be next to the hull, then bend the stringer until it cracks at the notches. I use the Dremel tool and cut off wheel to make the...
An electromagnetic coil (the first lens) concentrates the electrons into a more powerful beam. Another electromagnetic coil (the second lens) focuses the beam onto a certain part of the specimen. The specimen sits on a copper grid in the middle of the main microscope tube. The beam passes th...
Wire up your apparatus. Bend the number 10 wire into shape and then solder it into position to connect. Connect the transformer's ground wire to the coil wire under your plywood. Connect one end of the transformer high voltage winding to the copper tubing's straight length over your plywood...