29、d out what way is used to develop the paragraph. The story reminds me of an experience of benefiting from others assistance. One Monday morning, I was in a big hurry running up the stairs to the classroom when suddenly I missed one step, sprained my ankle and fell down. Painful and...
How to develop a paragraph Task-basedWriting(读写任务)---HowtoDevelopaParagraph(如何拓展段落)ByLiangWeiqing [写作内容]1.以约30词概括短文的主要内容;2.然后以约120个词就“分享”的主题发表看法,内容五年来的写作内容2都是三个包括:要点,三个要点最好依次用三个段(1)你愿意与人分享吗?为什么?落...
(A)60. [新题·新考法 How does the writer begin Paragraph (段落) 2? A. By() asking a question. B. By showing an example () C. By giving numbers. D. By telling a story.C)61. Where is Dick's sister?( A. In the chair. B. Next to his parents. C. In his mother's arms...
How to Write a Paragraph Writing can seem like a challenge, but it doesn't have to be difficult! These suggestions will help you write a good paragraph in no time.Planning Your Paragraph Decide what the main topic of the paragraph is going to be. Before you begin writing your paragraph,...
祥镍闸克攒奠逞瞳遇滥衬主蝇曙棘烘体应坚派革祝轮块麓室憨智凶鳖驹惦how to develop a paragraph(1)段落的展开法1how to develop a paragraph(1)段落的展开法1 * * Compare with the original one We enjoyed our visit to Dr. Hassan’s house, perched high up on a hill. Walking up the long...
Instead, the first body paragraph simply begins the story, like this: "The trouble began as soon as the clock struck 2." or "The day began in a typical fashion." The remainder of the paragraph should include concrete, sensory details to explain the events to readers. ...
Interestingly, 50 is also the age when many people begin to experience menopause.( 研究了66名年龄在14岁至67岁之间的Ngogo女性黑猩猩的尿液,发现它们的激素水平在接近50岁时发生了变化,证实它们已进入更年期。有趣的是,50岁也是许多人开始经历更年期的年龄)”可知,经过了多年的研究,如今已经证实的是乌干达的...
【题目】Paragraph Writing Write a paragraph of about 120 words stating how you plan to develop your listening comprehension and speaking ability at college. Begin the paragraph with the topic sentence: "One's listening comprehension and speaking ability grow by practice."One's listening comprehension...
if the main point is obvious. Others might place the topic sentence slightly differently. Occasionally, as in this paragraph, the topic sentence might begin the paragraph but be restated in a different way at the end. That is to say, most writers put the topic sentence of a paragraph at ...