Had God ever reprimanded and brought you back in line when you were spiritually wayward? Explain how you felt God’s chastening and corrective hand. Did God use a deep hurt in your life to make you sensitive to others or to show you new ways to be effective to those you serve? In ans...
You are physically in the moment, and spiritually on another plane. *Sometime soon in the near future advanced technology will perhaps allow us to press a button on our wrist remote control to become invisible and visible at will! Hope this helps. link answered 08 Nov '10, 04:36 Inact...
I allowed my mind to go to the darkest of places; I was done; I was hanging on the ledge ready to let go. I was emotionally, spiritually and physically drained from all the pain. Throughout the day I was having uncontrollable bouts of tears streaming down my face. That day, I had ...
and that energy explodes over her music as Dorothy — no more so than on her new and fourth album,The Way, a spiritually awakened, soul-stirring collection of high-powered rock & roll.
We may study books all our lives, we may become very intellectual, but in the end we find that we have not developed at all spiritually … To quicken the spirit, the impulsemustcome from another soul. The person from whose soul such impulse comes is called the Guru – the teacher. ...
Learning to communicate at the heart and energetic level, how to really listen to others, to grow spiritually and become enlightened through our interactions with the animals who share our world is often an epiphany experience… and I get to share that right along with each of my clients. In...
Crazed or Crazy:Feeling mentally deranged; to be, or to become annoyed or angry. Curiousor Curiosity: A strong desire or eagerness to know or learn something. Crestfallen:Feeling shame or humiliation; dejected. Cross:Feeling annoyed, irritated or angry. ...
Here aretwelve self-inquiry quotes to reflect or meditate onfrom a variety of awakened teachers: The method of Self-inquiry is to turn the outward going mind back to its source, the Heart, the Self, and fix it ever there, preventing the rising of the empty “I.” ...
I used to wake up scared every morning. Today I am awakened & manifesting my own reality. I am concentrating on getting myself into a place of enlightenment. It’s a complete game changer. I am healthy & powerful, no longer a victim of myself. ...
The material isn’t always meant to be addressed to the advanced “awakened” individuals in this group.Please do not read a specific article or video that is addressing one small part of the entire picture and then make a rash, hasty, judgment about our beliefs or intentions that are taken...