What is it like to work at SpaceX? Setting your systems, not goals, for 02025 Astro sMarta gives inspirational lessons from the remote land of Macedonia NASA Space Apps Challenge is a Resounding Success for Many You can be a rocket scientist for a weekend in October Archives January ...
If you would rather engage with me directly first, get in touch with me (Brett Hoffstadt) through a comment on a blog post, the CONTACT page, or on Twitter @BrettRocketSci. Thanks again for your interest in how to be a rocket scientist!
How to Bee a Research Scientist Desiring to bee a research scientist is the stuff of dreams for many youth. Fortunately, many of us bee *** s without losing our natural curiosity about how the world works. Today, new technology and discoveries have opened up exciting opportunities...
How to Become a Research Scientist Desiring to become a research scientist is the stuff of dreams for many youth. Fortunately, many of us become adults without losing our natural curiosity about how the world works. Today, new technology and discoveries have opened up exciting opportun...
100 How AI could become an extension of your mind Arnav Kapur 08:59 099 Helping others makes us happier but it matters how we do it Elizabeth Dunn 14:30 098 Facebook's role in Brexit and the threat to democracy Carole Cadwalladr 15:16 097 Everything around you can become a compu...
The Renaissance Man: How to Become a Scientist Over and Over AgainiShoehereNot Exactly Rocket Science
i, am class v student. i want to become a space scientist. please guide me. Practical Adult Insights, in your inbox Our latest articles, guides, and more, delivered daily. Subscribe Categories Education Career Roles Training Research Jobs ...
It can take years to fine tune this balance, but no matter how experienced you become, you will still always screw things up regardless and have to let an amazing opportunity pass by every now and then, don’t beat yourself up about it....
You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to become a quant. As we wrote above, we have yet to see that complex models make more money. One dollar earned is one dollar earned, no matter how many variables you are using. Don’t turn a good system into a perfect one – you’ll onl...
The adventure and learning process into DIY book publishing continues…here is some learning and information to share. Whether you are interested in getting the paperback version of “How To Be a Rocket Scientist” or writing and publishing your own paperback book someday, this should be good in...