Neuropsychologists specialize in treating clients with neurological disorders that manifest in psychological symptoms. This includes bipolar disorders and other disorders related to neurochemistry disturbances or imbalances. General psychology The general psychologist is much like the general practice medical docto...
Administered psychological tests under the direct supervision of resident neuropsychologists. Maintained test materials and transcribed collected data. Participated in treatment planning meetings to take minutes and prepare summaries. This example proves that the candidate didn’t just gossip by the water co...
Once you have any health problems fully treated, the next step is usually testing. Your doctor may refer you to a neuropsychologist, speech pathologist, or occupational therapist. MS and Rehab for Your Brain If test results show that MS is to blame for spotty memory or poor mental focus, yo...
2 tips to handle anxiety If your anxiety is more of a hinderance than a motivator, it might be good to put some distance between yourself and some of your more unhealthy thoughts, Judy Ho, a neuropsychologist and professor at Pepperdine University, recently told CNBC Make It. There are a...
Home > Section > Chapter Mitchell, D.B.; Hunt, R.R. Memory and Cognition 17(3): 337-348 1989 ISSN/ISBN:0090-502X 2657319 10.3758/bf03198472 007407700 Article emailed within 0-6 h Payments are secure & encrypted Abstract