Hupka, many psychologists believe that women are inclined to be jealous more often, simply because they tend to be more honest and in touch with their emotions than their male counterparts. The triggers to male and female jealousy also tend to be the same. Both genders become jealousy when t...
We are not talking about something endemic that cannot be handled but about negligence by the person in charge, who failed to tend to a matter under his responsibility. For, had they decided on 0430 am, after finishing their consultation, that they had nothing to lose – after all, it is...
The vampires in contemporary books, movies and television shows are incredibly elaborate creatures. According to the predominant mythology, every vampire was once a human, who, after being bitten by a vampire, died and rose from the grave as a monster. Vampires crave the human blood and hunt ...
You may sometimes feel like Tom Hanks in the movie “Cast Away” trying to get over those big waves and off the island. Just keep trying no matter how many times you fail. Hint: One of the things I would do after making a mistake was go take a shower and put on new clothes. ...
Location: After the ballista at the gates to Stormveil Castle What to bring: Margit's Shackle (purchased from Patches in Murkwater Cave) His variable attack speed is the most challenging thing about Margit. The windup to his club attack, for instance, is very slow, but then he will sudde...
It started in 2006 when I posted my writing goals. I updated it in 2008 with the publication of How To Ditch Your Fairy and then again in 2009 after Liar came out. And then in 2012 in anticipation of the publication of Team Human. These goals of mine are not stuff like Become NYT...
Notice that the peace of God comes AFTER the right doing, and if your peace is troubled in any way, we are told how to respond until that peace returns. Thanksgiving definition: Here you pray and then do the behaviors of thanksgiving until you are thankful that you have it. How do yo...
Out Aug. 30,Telosarrives about four years later than initially announced and about eight years after it was contractually due. Though Zedd confirmed that the long-awaited answer to his second studio album,True Colors(2015), would arrive in 2020, he indefinitely postponed the project at the heig...
In addition to undead strigoi, referred to asstrigoi mort, people also feared living vampires, orstrigoi viu. Strigoi viu were cursed living people who were doomed to become strigoi mort when they died. Babies born with abnormalities, such as a tail-like protrusion or a bit of fetal membrane...
Augustine; Trinitarianism; ascent; Psalms of Ascent; Platonism; Expositions on the Psalms; Enarrationes in Psalmos 1. Introduction Accounts of a spiritual climb up to a transcendent reality were given long before Augustine, by Plato for example, and long after him by the likes of Boethius and...