How to Be an Imperfectionist的创作者· ··· 斯蒂芬·盖斯作者 作者简介· ··· 斯蒂芬·盖斯(Stephen Guise)是个天生的懒虫。为了改变这一点,他开始研究各种习惯养成策略,从2004年起在美国各大自我成长类网站上发表了许多文章。2011年,他开始运营自己的博客Deep Existence,为读者提供自我成长策略方面的建议。
指南:通向不完美的路 Guide-The Journey to Imperfectionism 71 2019-02 9 《如何做一个不完美的人》你知道你是个完美主义者You Know You Are a Perfectionist 121 2019-02 10 《如何做一个不完美的人》前言 How to Be an Imperfectionist Preface ...
【题】 T o become a flerible reader , you nee d to know how to select an d use a reading sty le that is consistent with your purpose of read ing. (40) Each has its own purpose . Rea d to learn about the three reading styles used by flerible readers .(41) T he purpose of...
根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词1. I want to be a魔术师)when I grow up.2. Can you give me an例子)of how toim
We should eat fewer snacks and candies. Different foods help us in different ways.We should have different kinds of foods, such as fruit, vegetables, grains , eggs, milk, meat, fish and so on. We should do exercise more often, so we can become healthier. ...
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