What made you decide to become a vet tech? Bertholf: I decided to become a veterinary technologist because I always had a love for animals and I really enjoy working with my hands, problem-solving and being part of team. Ironically enough, I was enrolled and scheduled ...
How to Become a Vet Tech: A Step by Step Guide If you have a passion for animals, you can become a vet tech and help them live happier and healthier lives. Below is a step-by-step guide to begin your career as a veterinary tech. ...
the government agency anticipates jobs for vet-techs to grow by 52 percent. If you are good at science, work well with your hands and have compassion for both animals and the human owners who care for them, knowing how to become a vet-tech could be your first step toward a fulfilling ...
Become a Vet Tech Vet tech education programs receive their accreditation from the American Veterinary Medical Association. A veterinary technician must complete at least an associate degree in veterinary technology, but some colleges also offer a bachelor's degree. Vet tech programs typically include c...
I can only attribute his survival to a higher power. From my perspective as a vet tech, he was gone, but he came back. It was incredible to use the skills I’ve developed in veterinary medicine to save a human life. I’ve done CPR on many animals in my career, but this was my ...
Should You Become a Pet Groomer?Overall Satisfaction: Medium After reading through all the data, you’re likely heavily considering becoming a dog (or pet) groomer. You already know that you have the personal skills to handle it, and you relish the idea of gleaning even more knowledge ...
Once you’ve determined your market value as an employee, it’s time to negotiate. Bramley cautions that salary negotiations are not as straightforward as the old-school bartering techniques you may see on TV where one throws out a high number and the other a low number, then both...
Them:“I’m in school to become a vet tech! So much biology and chemistry, but I love it.” You:“That’s so interesting. I’ve always loved animals, too. Do you have any pets?” Them:“I have two labs named Lucky and Jinx. They are my best friends.” You:“No way, I ha...
Working from home can seem like a dream come true. Standard work attire can include pajamas, there is no more commuting, and lunch and snacks are only as far away as the kitchen. However, this dream can quickly become a nightmare for working parents who have to juggle kids at home. ...
How to Become a Vet High School In high school, the best thing you can do is to gain experience working with animals and honing your skills in science while maintaining a good academic performance in all of your classes. You’ll need to do well in college-level science courses to have ...