“It'smandatory to be a member of an akhara for three yearsbefore a sadhu qualifies to become a Naga sadhu. The considerations for selection include their health and approach towards their fellow men and women living in the akharas' ashrams.” Akharas have committees that watch the applicants...
Now a Days everybody want quality in education, Everyone thought How to start a new School, How to improve existing Schools, how we can organize brilliant Workshop for students & Teacher Training Workshop for our existing masters. For all this query LEAP
Diversity has become a priority concern for universities, journals and academic associations but this commitment is often very superficial and there is little progress when it comes to making real changes: reforming PhD programmes and training more Global South scholars, hiring more faculty from the G...
These women are now also training other women from their areas to become financially independent and gain recognition in society. POWER (Producer Owned Women Enterprises) Project focuses on providing valuable training to women in rural areas and empowers them to become micro-entrepreneurs. The trainin...
Now a Days everybody want quality in education, Everyone thought How to start a new School, How to improve existing Schools, how we can organize brilliant Workshop for students & Teacher Training Workshop for our existing masters. For all this query LEAP