1. True or false: Two popes and two queens came from the Medici line. True. Pope Leo X and Pope Clement VII were the sons of Lorenzo de' Medici and his brother, Giuliano. Catherine de' Medici married into the French monarchy in 1533 and Marie, another Medici, was queen of France in...
For centuries, the Abbey was the final resting place of England's kings and queens; 30 of them, to be exact. The royal tombs are some of the most well-known spots in the church. "As a Tudor historian, my favorite place in the Abbey has to be the Henry VII Chapel in the east end...
In parts of Africa, people who want to become spiritual leaders in the Voodoo community can enter religious centers, which are much like convents or monasteries. In some communities, initiates symbolically die, spending three days and nights in complete seclusion before being returned to the outsi...
the guards were really trying to just keep it together, but eventually, they started clapping along with the music, and it was beautiful to watch. Those lines between guard and inmate begin to fade, and two groups of people who have been institutionalized...
God takes good care of His universe and does not allow souls to become lost (the Bible tells us that not even one sparrow falls without His knowing it). The Bible also tells us that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord – so when we leave our Earthly body, ...
Are you ready to become "The One" woman he can't resist and can never get enough of? Let me ask you something. How much is it worth to you to ELIMINATE your feeling of never being good enough, never being attractive enough, and possibly losing his love? What if, instead, you could...
Pathway to the Queens Throne on the Queens Garden Trail, Bryce Canyon National Park, June 19, 2014. Photo credit: Eric Jay Toll America’s federally-managed parks are a national treasure. The National Park Service charges reasonable entrance fees to the parks. For example, admission is just ...
Therefore, the NZPC could be seen to have played an important educative role for allies in their support for law reform. But given their general ignorance about the sex industry and the people working in it, what prompted non-sex worker allies to become involved in the process of law ...
Yet experts who work with LGBTQ youth say there are ways to use social media as a lifeline for connection while continuing to guard against the risks. These strategies include being aware of potential harms, asking for help when necessary, noticing personal stress cues, and developing related co...
In this position, White has an extra passed pawn on the a-file. The rook is well placed in the center. The key idea in an ending like this is to guard your pawn from the rear rather than from the side or the front. Once your rook is behind the pawn, your opponent has to block...