Crafty Bartending is the ultimate resource for new & aspiring bartenders. We show you how to land your first bartending, craft amazing cocktails, make more money and travel the world long-term as a bartender. Our mission is to give you the tools & resour
How long does it takes to become a bar manager/bartender? It typically takes 1-2 years to become a bartender: Year 1: Gaining necessary skills and knowledge through short-term on-the-job training in mixing drinks, serving customers, and handling payments. Year 2: Accumulating work experience...
How to become a bar back & bartender in 6 steps: Step 1: Explore Education Step 2: Develop Skills Step 3: Complete Relevant Training Step 4: Research Duties Step 5: Prepare Your Resume Step 6: Apply For Jobs Is being a Bar Back & Bartender right for you? Take the career quiz Bar...
Regardless of the career, everyone aspires to be a professional. We are to look professional, act professional, have a professional resume, demonstrate a professional image. If you’ve had a military career, professionalism has been drilled into your psyche. Fans of the Bond series know that i...
Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started My Career Here’s Why Office Brags Are Actually a Good Thing What Coordinating a Movie Sex Scene Is Really Like What You Should Know About Being a Tattoo Artist What I Wish I’d Known Before Starting an Etsy Shop...
How do you write a bar manager resume? For those of you who are looking to become a bar manager, writing your bar manager resume is as easy as including the above skills throughout your resume. Of course, you'll start with a standard resume format, but in each section, think about th...
Whether you're a bar manager looking to strengthen your team's skills or a bartender looking to bulk up your resume, use this list of bartender training ideas and resources to step up your game behind the bar.
Become a Professional Cuddler Do you love cuddling? Of course you do, you monster! This may come as a surprise, but a professional cuddler is actually a job. Websites like CuddleComfort and Cuddlist will set you up with clients who will pay you for a good cuddle. Become a Profes...
Want to become a bar manager? If you’ve worked in the restaurant industry in the past, you may wonder what’s needed to stand out as a prospective bar manager. Here’s a quick look at steps to take to be a competitive option for a bar management position. Get a Bachelor’s Degree...
Having a quality cocktail shaker will help you craft amazing cocktails whether you’re a professional bartender or making drinks behind your home bar. Experiment with thedifferent types of shakersto find the one that feels right for you or practice shaking drinks with a container you have at ho...