First, you need to find a pillager. You can usually find a pillager near thePillager Outpost, but be sure to lure the pillager away (before starting to tame it) so that it is alone. You don't want any other pillagers wandering over. If you are having trouble finding a pillager, you ...
Trial chambers are all about fighting and combat challenges in theMinecraft 1.21 update. However, if you’re good at the game, conquering these new structures won’t be all that difficult. Thankfully, if you’re looking for a greater challenge, you can do the ominous trials. They essentially...
MinecraftCrossbows can also be looted from certain enemy mobs or found within specific loot chests. Pillagers in the Overworld have an 8.5% chance to drop a Crossbow upon death. Furthermore, Crossbows can be found inside the chests within Pillager Outposts. However, players will need to be car...
The Minecraft allay is only found in Pillager Outpost cages or Woodland Mansion cage rooms. They can duplicate, which we’ll get to in a bit, but in order to befriend your first one, you’ll need to find a rare Pillager Outpost or the even more sporadic Woodland Mansion. To make sure ...
This is an essential guide to surviving in Minecraft Pocket Edition. By following these easy steps, you cannot only survive and thrive in Minecraft PE, but beat the game entirely. Make a Minecraft survival world. Make sure to turn...